More Leaves

I don't know how many different ways I can say 'I like leaves'. I took these photos few years ago in Hong Kong where leaves aren't as plentiful. Now that I live in Vancouver, expect to see a lot more leaves here. I promise to only post the best ones.

Pavement One

Pavement* fascinates me. Not the pavement itself, but the character that develops on it over time. One of these days I'm going to go out into the city for a day and just photograph the ground. 

*I may be using the term pavement wrong. If you're a pavement expert, please forgive my ignorance. When I say pavement, I mean concrete, cement, asphalt, or whatever it is I happen to be seeing at that moment.

Dr Suess Plant

I took these photos a few years ago when I was visiting my brother in Australia. I have no idea what kind of plant it is (for all the photos of flowers, trees, and fauna that I take, I know an embarrassingly small amount about plants). The only frame of reference I have for this particular plant is something I may have seen in the Lorax or Green Eggs & Ham.

Some Walls I Found

I couldn't think of a better title for this post. I love walls. I could spend a lifetime just exploring walls and the random elements you find on them. I liked the way the muted tones of the yellows, greens, and greys go together with these three images.

Edmonton • Vancouver